There’s NO Time…
Welcome to the last (short) Week of classes for 2009. We are open today and tomorrow, then the academy will be closed for the holidays, reopening on Monday Jan. 4th.
Today is December 21st, the winter solstice, the nadir of day, but also “the turning point” because from here on out the days are getting longer, the nights shorter. The implicit message? Things get better and easier from here. Yay!
This week may also be the busiest week of the year for a majority of families who celebrate, and travel, for Christmas, which brings a steep time challenge–finding the time. It’s a mad rush to clean the house, pack, get to the airport, hit the road, prepare holiday feasts, shop/make presents, etc. Now is when PRIORITIES tend to fall off the sleigh, so to speak.
The priorities of the holidays eclipse PRIORITIES. The catch is, PRIORITIES, should always be “PRIOR” to anything else. We always have to budget time for them, regardless. Seasonal priorities–occasional things that need to get done–don’t cancel out PRIORITIES. So what are PRIORITIES?
Family-time definitely IS a PRIORITY. So family, for most,…check!
Other PRIORITIES, those Life-Constants? Here’s a clue: the holidays are often the most Stressful time of the year as well, not only the logistical stress of getting things done, but the stress of loneliness and depression for many, both near and far from family.
How best to battle stress, or the “holiday blues”? By carving out time for one PRIORITY–Exercise. Exercise physiologically lowers your stress levels and combats the blues as well as Prozac. It also burns those inevitable holiday calories that hitch a ride with Santa. Just 5, 10 or 15 minutes (break out your WarriorFit Training Cards), sprinkled throughout the days like the powdered sugar on your Christmas cookies will energize you and make for a Happier Holiday Season.
Karla’s family has a great tradition, one you might share. After meals everyone takes a brisk walk, no matter the weather. No time? Try it. Walking together aids digestion, provides great social time and fresh, brisk air helps ease familial tension.
To quote Stephen Covey, “organize and execute around PRIORITIES (even/especially during the holidays).”