Karate Success Stories
“Karate has helped Sawyer in many ways. He is much stronger physically than when he first started. He is gaining self-confidence in his ability to get out of a difficult situation or defend himself if he needs to. The mental aspects of this art and the way it has been taught have been the most important for Sawyer, he has learned to congratulate a classmate when they do well and to try to be gracious if he does well. He has learned to persevere, lately his motto is ‘I”ll never quit.’ This is amazing for a boy who has had difficulty with motor skills and has learned many ways to avoid competition. He is not just learning karate, he is learning about life.”
-Gail Boigenzahn (Longmont, Colorado) about her son, Sawyer, a student of 10 years and Black Belt
“I’ve seen Eric grown and gained confidence in karate class, especially from those first few visits when he didn’t even want to join the class but watched from outside. He now has those skills it takes to meet new challenges now and in the future. One of example of this is when he joined the Civil Air Patrol even without having friends join him; he just knew that he would do well and was confident to do it.”
–Kathy Jenkins, Parent and Friend of this student who is now a Black Belt!
“Karate has given him pride in himself and his accomplishments. It has helped his concentration and has given him maturity and perseverance that has helped him immensely in his schoolwork and his interaction with people of all ages. It has given him a goal he takes very seriously and works consistently toward his black belt.
Your Leadership Team and Master Club have given him a family outside of his school friends. He looks forward to each meeting and has never been unhappy about going to them. Your school functions such as Water World, the family picnic and the Halloween party are important to him because it makes karate not just a goal, he’s working toward but a fun experience as well.
I admire your ability to help children realize their potential. You command respect but also give respect. You recognize effort and the desire to achieve. These are often lacking in the public school system.”
-Marnie Gatmaitan
“I have to thank you for all you’ve done for Kristian. You’re terrific with the kids, and you have helped Kristian in a lot of ways, particularly in his ability to focus his mind, focus his eyes, focus his body. It’s especially important for Kristian to have such a strong male role model, because of his particular circumstances and because I’m a single mom.
You’re important to Kristian and his development, and have had a very positive impact on him. We’re both so glad you’re in our lives!”
-Susie McCallum
“Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy has taught Nick not only about goals, but you have shown him how to achieve his goals. He knows to attain a goal a person must work hard and practice. Nick has also told me that to achieve a goal you must focus on the goal. He is now talking about becoming a black belt!. After each class I ask him if he had fun and he always replies with a yes. I want to thank you and the other instructors for being such a positive role models for Nick.”
– Trudy Burri
“The cost for the school was kind of a lot for us at first and we were worried about being able to pay the bill but it’s really made a tremendous difference in Ramone’s school work and his responsibility at home. He listens when we tell him to do something and he’s got a great attitude. So it’s really definitely a good thing. I am so happy we decided to become students here.”
-Alicia Macias
“I am writing in reference to Macy McKenzie. This is a child who has blossomed since joining Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy. The first few months of school she hardly talked and was extremely shy; today she walks in and feels no fear. She is a more confident and outgoing child and we feel it has a lot to do with karate. She has learned to defend herself not only physically, but emotionally and verbally. The anxiety that she has had to deal with has now become minimal because of her boost in self confidence. She used to be scared to go to birthday parties, now we can’t take her away from them. It is so refreshing to see.
We thank you for teaching her so much more than karate. The teachers in this school are so gifted and genuinely kind. This school is Macy’s second home and she is looking forward to continuing her quest for her black belt.Thank you so much for helping her find her true self!”
-Matt & Tatum McKenzie
“Since Macy McKenzie has been learning karate, we have noticed positive differences in her. She has strengthened not only physically but mentally as well. Macy may not be aware of these changes because of her young age, but we, as her grandparents, have noticed growth in many areas. She is beginning to develop self-discipline, patience and, most importantly, self confidence.
We feel Macy should continue karate classes , which will surely result in continued, positive growth on her part.”
-Jim and Alice McKenzie
“My job last year had me away from my family for a year and 3 months. After Ethan started at Scornavacco’s I was told how excited he was. In the times I came home for a visit, I immediately noticed a difference. This was no longer the little boy I left almost a year ago. He was committed to learning more and dedicated in getting better. Ethan has grown up, but in a good way. He has become more responsible in his actions. Scornavacco’s has definitely played a big part in this and I am truly grateful.
-Jacob Beach
“After 10 months I karate, I have watched Ethan grow in confidence and self esteem. He has always been a follower, worried about being teased and bullied by others. He is still sensitive to what others think but now has confidence in himself. This strength has been noticed by many of our family and friends. They are all so impressed by his maturity and leadership. I am confident that with continued training in such a positive atmosphere we will continue to see Ethan grow into a wonderful young man. He is extremely proud of himself and I am so pleased with all he’s accomplished so far.”
-Emily Beach
“Jack has grown tremendously in the program. Jack has learned to practice self-control and verbalization skills that he lacked prior to Kenpo. More importantly, Jack has shown dedication over the past two years when he felt tired of the process. He has stayed on track with his goals even though it was not always easy. As his parents, we are very proud to watch him perform his moves with such skill and concentration.”
-Amy and Greg Haggquist
Clarke is an outstanding young man and a joy to get to know. Clarke has demonstrated maturity and respect for others by helping my daughter Macy. As you know, Macy can be shy, but on many occasions Clarke has gone out of his way to help and assist Macy with karate. He is a good role model for the younger kids who participate in karate by talking with them outside of class and showing them appropriate respectful behavior. He is a positive influence in class as well as outside class.
-Tatum McKenzie
Over the years I’ve observed Bryce grow physically stronger and also more mentally focused. I’ve seen Bryce change from the silly little boy whom could barely stay still as he learned how to do his first star block to the boy who can now focus long enough to master Long Form 1. This focus has helped him to better concentrate and be successful in school. The self-respect and self-confidence Bryce has acquired in karate has led to him being a leader for younger children. Bryce can frequently be seen at the park helping the little ones climb the stairs and then catching them as the go down the slide. I feel Bryce is more than ready to take this next step towards becoming a Black Belt and a future mentor.
-Zoe Roberts
Jackie is twelve years old and has been taking classes at Scornavacco’s for a little over a year now. The last couple of years have brought about many changes for our family. We moved from Houston, the place where Jackie was born, at the end of 2006. Jackie had to change schools in the middle of fifth grade, and we enrolled her a Scornavacco’s not long after the move. She faced another big change when she entered middle school last fall. I think karate has helped her weather these changes, and even thrive.
Jackie had no previous experience with karate, but she took to it right away. She is active and curious and fiercely intelligent. She has always been a good student, but the job lists and belt tests (which her teachers and parents have to sign) have helped broaden her outlook and remind her that everything in interconnected. We are proud of Jackie’s accomplishments and want to support her as she builds on this foundation. Jackie wants to attain the rank of Black Belt, and I know she can do anything she sets her mind to.
-Susie Foss
This school year has been challenging for Chloe — the transition to third grade is a difficult one at her school. Third graders have much more responsibility for their own schedules and accomplishing their own work and she has had to spend more time on homework and studying than ever before.
Also at the beginning of the school ear, my wife opened her own store and I have had to travel more for my job — which put even more pressure on Chloe and her sister, requiring them to really take initiative for their own work.
Add to all of these pressures the time and commitment that karate requires, and I have to admit that I was a little concerned about hew she was handling everything a couple of months ago. I am now proud to say, though, that Chloe has come through with flying colors!
Chloe had more E grades on her first quarter report card than she has ever had, she is helping at the shop and with chores at home, and I can tell that she is making a real effort to get along well with her sister and behave well with her friends.
I think that Chloe is clearly benefiting from the standards and ideals of Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy; I am thankful to Mr. Scornavacco and all of the instructors for their guidance and support, and I am delighted that Chloe is honoring her commitment to self-discipline and self improvement in this way.
Great job, Chloe, and thank you Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy!
-Jeff Kimes, A Proud Dad
This fall, I watched Parker step up in his role as the older brother and turn his energy toward helping others. Parker’s younger brother, Pierce, started Kindergarten in August and was to ride the bus home after school. There are numerous buses and hundreds of kids trying to get from A to B. This situation can be confusing for a kindergartener. Parker agreed to walk to his brother’s class and guide him to the proper bus. Parker taught Pierce and his two friends how to recognize their bus and what to do if the couldn’t find the bus.
Although I thought I might be more of a chore for Parker, he seems to enjoy helping out the younger kids and sharing his knowledge. Confirmation of this came from Pierce’s kindergarten teacher, who is the same one Parker had in kindergarten, when she told me what a huge help Parker has been. She said he seems to like helping and takes charge when necessary. She agreed he has come a long way from the kindergartner she once know and has grown into a fine 4th grader.
I think Parker has shown he has the ability to lead when called upon to do so. I believe this ability will greatly enhance his journey through the various levels of Kenpo Karate.
-Mrs. Sherry
Nicholas is RESPECTFUL and COOPERATIVE at home. He often helps without being asked. I frequently get compliments from parents and teachers regarding Nick’s kind or respectful acts.
-Helen Caraballo
Over a year ago, Ryan started taking karate lessons. He came to your classes with very low confidence and self esteem. Ryan struggled with many bullies in his life. His first defense was either shutting himself down by taking all of the verbal/emotional abuse or physically fighting back. I knew right away when Ryan was understanding the main concept of karate. It was Ryan’s third lesson. Earlier in the day, Ryan had been teased by an older boy at school. He asked me if he could talk to Mr. Scornavacco about the issue with the bully. Mr. Scornavacco met with Ryan and myself. He gave Ryan great advice and techniques on how to deal with the bully. Of course Ryan used the technique toward the bully the next school day. At the moment when Ryan told me what he did I saw Ryan’s confidence level rise. I continue to see Ryan grow and mature into a young, confident person who doesn’t have very many issues with bullies. I see a young person standing up for himself using his voice with confidence while respecting others. Ryan’s self esteem and self-discipline have grown in a positive way.
As a mother who has seen many struggles Ryan has faced for a young person, I am very proud of him. KARATE HAS BEEN A TREMENDOUSLY POSITIVE INFLUENCE IN RYAN’S LIFE. I look forward to watching Ryan continue his growth in karate and mature into a strong-minded, confident young man.
Thanks to all of you for your guidance, assistance, and moral support.
-Renae Franke
When Ayden was two he had his face pressed to the window watching his older brothers in karate practicing their forms. He would then climb down and start trying to do the Star Block (form) on his own. By the time he was three he was so determined to join his brothers that Mr. Brad allowed Ayden to join Little Dragons 2 months shy of his 4th birthday. (Making Ayden one of the youngest, if not THE youngest, students of Scornavacco ever!)
Being the competitive soul Ayden is, he has strived to obtain one goal since that first class; to catch up (and preferably PASS) his brothers in belt rank. A lofty goal, as both brothers were several belts ahead of Ayden. If Ayden passes his brown belt test in the next few months he will have achieved stage one of his goal… as all THREE of the Roberts boys will have brown belts! (Granted, chance may very well be in ADVANCED Brown by then, but brown just the same.) Ayden is also motivated to earn his red uniforn as red is Ayden’s favorite color.
To obtain his goal, Ayden has been putting in extra time working on his forms, practicing his techniques and paying closer attention in class. Ayden is usually the one to say to his brothers, Time to practice! Ayden can often be found moving around the loft executing his forms in a solitary dance he’s also used this determination and focus to help him shine in the various Grappling and Staff workshops he’s participated in during the last few months.
When Ayden is motivated to put in the required effort, and WORK for his goals he can accomplish nearly anything he sets his sights on. These skills of concentration have also helped him to do well in school, where he has just this week been moved up to a higher math group.
Scott Roberts
In karate, Michelle has learned the value of training and working hard for a goal. Not passing the first time she took the brown belt test really bothered her. She has an incredible ability to remember things. Her mind is so sharp that she often finds herself bored. This boredom has led her mind to areas that often get her into trouble. Michelle does not fail very often. In fact, she often gives only a percentage of the effort she could and still maintains pretty high grades. She also has a gift for people skills. This skill set has been an incredible blessing for her. But, unfortunately, when things come too easy they are often taken for granted.
When she failed the first brown belt test, her first instinct was to quit. But, by the time dinner came around she was more determined than ever to pass that test next time. This is a triumph for her putting her skills to work in a positive manner. Perseverance is a difficult for someone who has her skill set. We are ecstatic that Michelle bounced back and passed her test!
-Dave and Shirin Kollar
Tim has shown a great deal of growth over the last several years. He has gone from being a boy who always tried hard but somehow often wound up tripping over his own efforts to a young man with confidence.
Tim has struggled with self-discipline. He had to right attitude about wanting to do the right thing but when the pressure of making the right choice came down, he would often follow the most fun route. He had great difficulty staying on task, especially if it was schoolwork. Over the last year, his focus has really improved. He has done so much better in school, both in completing assignments on time and getting in there and getting it done, that last school year for the first time he was able to participate in school sports. Tim played basketball and baseball. In both sports, even though it was his first year, he showed great improvement and was able to show both his coaches and teammates that he is the one who gives 100% every practice and every game. This earned him respect from his coaches and his teammates and his family. Tim has begun to feel the great joy that comes with feeling respected.
THIS NEWFOUND RESPECT HAS GROWN HIS CONFIDENCE, with in that he also has begun to grow in other areas. When I look at his posture, I see a young man who holds his head high and feels good about the choices he is making. He no longer is a young boy who will take the path of least resistance, but is also blooming into a young man who pushes through the work to achieve the goal at hand.
Tim’s newfound confidence has not damaged his kind heart. He still will stop on a dime to help another, even if he has adverse consequences, like being late to class.
-Dave and Shirin Kollar
As we enter the season of thanks and reflections on the year gone by, I wanted to share a poignant conversation I had with Lauren yesterday while driving her to her horseback-riding lesson. We were discussing change and that no matter where you are there is a horse to be ridden or a violin teacher to be found, etc. With deep earnest she said, Mom, but not karate. Have you read the sign on the door at karate? Underneath their name it says, “a place that changes lives.” Mom, they’re not just saying that to advertise. They really mean it. And it really HAS changed my life. I think I’m much better. It HAS changed my life. That’s why I like to go all the time. It really does help me. We finished the ride in silence and I contemplated these words.
When I went to pick Lauren up, the conversation with her riding instructor revolved around what Lauren needs to do in order to be at a level to lease her own horse. Words like master the horse, confidence, etc. Immediately Lauren piped up that she likes having a goal at the stable. Now I know what I have to do to be able to lease Bonjo (the horse). That’s what I like about karate mom. You always know what you have to do to get the next belt. And people are really nice and try to help you just like at the stable. Hmmm
The real litmus test was when we got in the car to drive from our stable to karate. The fuel pump had other plans and we ended up having to have our vehicle towed. In times past I would have expected a full self-centered meltdown over being late and it’s master club and staff set day and well you get the picture. A litany of questions and some reassurance that she would at least make the staff set and Lauren accepted that this situation was beyond our control. HER LIFE HAS CHANGED AND SHE IS LEARNING HOW TO MASTER HERSELF.
Now I must add that I believe that Lauren’s success rests squarely on the fact that she both likes and respects her instructors. I’m certain the results would not be the same otherwise. And it is no small task to achieve that. Lauren can sense insincerity a long way off. Our family thanks you and yours for your sincerity and integrity in your work. You have played a major role in changing our lives.
-The Barnharts
As Nathan’s mother, I have noticed much improvement in his ability to listen to instructions from others. His coordination and balance have gotten much better as well as social skills and self esteem. He enjoys demonstrating his new skills and maneuvers to family and friends and looks forward to learning new skills, especially sparring and staff training; as well as being around the other kids at karate. Nathan and I are delighted to be part of the Scornavacco Family.
Thank you,
-Annette Smith
Quinn began in Little Dragons in June after talking about and being interested in taking karate for quite a while. Little Dragons has made him much more aware of his very energetic and sometimes difficult to control body. The instructors have worked with him on controlling his strength and on directing his words of the month at home and really encourage Quinn to develop these character traits.
Quinn truly loves karate and is very excited to move up to karate kids. We feel that he is ready fo participate in a mre intense, quicker paced class where he can continue to develop his skills, both physical and interpersonal.
Thank you to everyone that has worked with Quinn on achieving his goal of learning karate.
-Michelle and Tim Brandon
I am writing this to let you know what I have observed about Vincent since he has been in your school. He has shown more confidence in his abilities, he has matured into a more responsible young adult and his ability to retain information has increased.
He has shown confidence in his ability to do more things on his own, such as cooking his own meals when he needs to, doing outside chores without my supervision and just how he carries himself. His back is straight and he addresses people more directly with respect. He has been able to address his teachers at school and let them know if he is having trouble understanding concepts, he’s also been able to talk with them (something he’s never done before).
His grandparents and their friends have mentioned to me on several occasions what a nice young man he is turning into. They enjoy talking to him. His maturity has been evidenced by his admitting to me when he’s made a mistake or done something he knows he shouldn’t have, even when it would have been easier for him not to tell me. He comes to me with his problems now rather than just trying to figure it out on his own. I think he’s finally realized that being a young adult doesn’t mean he has to shoulder problems by himself; its ok to ask for help or advice.
He has become more responsible in several ways. He has taken it upon himself to pick up after himself (although there have been some lapses, he has done remarkably well). He has gone to his math teacher for extra help before he got too far behind. He has generally gotten his homework done before I have to ask him about it.
Before he started at your school he couldn’t remember most things from one day to the next. He didn’t seem to care about it, but now not only has he remembered what you have taught him he remembers information he needs for school and is able to answer most any question I ask him. I think part of that is the respect he has for you and karate, as well as the confidence you have shown in him by letting him interact and teach the Little Dragons and Karate Kids 1 and 2, it definitely shows up in his classes, especially Japanese.
Thank you.
-Jennifer Stamp
Zoya is a wonderful child and we are very proud of her. She is DISCIPLINED, WELL-BEHAVED, and always CARES FOR OTHERS. She is doing great in all areas.
Thank you,
-Gaurav and Rachna Kaushal
Nathan is more focused now than ever. He is committed to developing his technique to the best it can be. He practices daily and is driven to excel. He is probably more prepared for this test than any other, which seems to be by design. You and your team have done a commendable job setting high expectations for the passage to new levels but to this level in particular.
Nathan is excited about joining Peak Performers, as he believes this will help him accomplish his goals of performing at a high level and helping others to learn as he has from your program. He wants to perform well and show that he has the skills to teach others what he has learned. I believe that this is a nice transition for Nathan, as I believe that you learn best when teaching others. Teaching forces you to focus on the details and be disciplined, thereby making the teacher grow as well as the student. I want to thank you for this opportunity to have my son grow.
The reason we have been committed to our children’s participation in both Karate and the Scornavacco family has been your commitment to the development of key components and building blocks of character. It has been exciting to see Nathan grown in focus, discipline, commitment and confidence as he has progressed through the levels of your program. We have recommended this program to others and truly believe that it will help the students here beyond their knowledge as the grow and progress. So, once again thanks for all you and your team do to help everyone at the school to exceed expectations.
-Bob Hyde
A year ago Benjamin moved to Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy from another school where he was one of the top students. In the process he gave up his orange belt to start over as a white belt. He was a little confused about the process but soon learned that at SMAA he would get so much more than before and the challenge began.
In the past year Benjamin has spent at SMAA he has learned to set goals and meet expectations. Discipline is actively practiced here. He empathizes with his fellow students and is genuinely happy to see them succeed. He has learned to persevere with his studies, even on days when he did not feel like going. Respect and support are practiced at this school by both instructors and students, and Benjamin has felt welcome here.\
Benjamin loves to be challenged. We have found SMAA to be the ideal place for him to meet his challenges. He is supported in a respectful, warm, fair environment. Encouragement comes not only form the instructors, but from fellow classmates. He is comfortable here, which allows him to work harder and concentrate on his studies. He progression is a tribute to those who teach him.
One of the many proud moments we have of him came when his friend Logan earned his purple belt. Instead of being jealous or upset he was genuinely happy and proud of his friend. He was the first to clap and tell him what a good job he did. The emphasis at SMAA is to celebrate all achievements and Benjamin is learning to do that.
Discipline is a major emphasis at any martial arts school, but we have found out not all schools take it as seriously as some. Last spring Benjamin’s behavior had started to slip at his elementary school. We worked with Mr. Brad about correcting this behavior, letting him know if it continued he would not be able to test for his next belt. He did learn the value of discipline and being held accountable for his own actions. He now understands personal responsibility and how it is not ok to act improperly just because everyone else is doing it.
As a family we all feel welcome at SMAA and know our son is in a wonderful place to learn, grow and have fun on his path to earning a black belt. We are proud of his accomplishments over the past year and look forward to even greater challenges as he progresses to phase two after he earns his purple belt.
Patrick and Patricia Davis
Being in karate has helped Roy by teaching him responsibility, helping him to set goals for himself, to have pride in his accomplishments and his participation in karate, and how to use and understand the powerful words introduced into his vocabulary.
RESPONSIBILITY: Roy has undertaken the responsibility of telling his mom and I when he needs to practice his karate skills. At first, he would wait for us to tell him that he needed to practice. Now, he has taken ownership of his participation in karate and the resultant requirements (time and effort) to become better at it. Roy is always eager to go to karate class, and has never resisted getting ready for class. He is usually waiting in the car for everybody else. Roy takes care of his uniform and equipment; he uses it hard, but he does not abuse it. When he gets home, he generally changes to other clothes before he goes outside to play.
SETTING GOALS: When Roy first started karate he had no idea what it meant to set a goal for himself. He has learned over time that setting a goal means that you have expectations of what you want to accomplish and then you have to work hard to achieve the goal. Roy expects to continue in karate until he has earned the right to wear a black belt. It has been good to see Roy displaying a “want to attitude” towards karate.
HAVING PRIDE IN YOURSELF: Roy is proud of being in karate and talks to others about karate. For example, we were in a restaurant the other night. Another boy was standing at the counter in his karate uniform. When Roy saw the other boy in it, he stepped right over to the boy and started talking about karate. The two boys spent a while talking about their karate classes. It was good to see Roy be so outgoing.
Roy has also developed a strong sense of protection towards his mom, his sister, and their other friends. When he sees somebody acting badly toward his mom, sister, and friends, he is not afraid to step up to protect them. Thankfully, nothing really bad has happened.
USING POWERFUL WORDS: Roy has an extensive vocabulary. He uses the powerful words he learns in class a lot at home. His mom tells me that Roy’s use of powerful words even helps her out at times.
In conclusion, I like the attitude that Roy has displayed since joining your school. I like to see him working hard to achieve a goal and I am proud of him. Karate is helping him to develop a sense of independence, self-reliance, and perhaps most importantly, pride in himself. Thank you for helping him to become a well-rounded person.
-Rob Davis
Glendon was getting in trouble all the time in school. Karate has helped him focus, sit still and pay attention to his teachers. Now he is doing much better, HE IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STUDENT.
Thank you,
–Debbie Mewes
By the time my son was two years old it was already apparent that he was going to be one of those boys that enjoy a bit of rough and tumble. When he first met the boy who lives next door, the two of them took one look at each other and immediately engaged in some sort of wresting hold, rolling down the hill like a couple of bear cubs. They wrestled for a full 10 minutes before bothering to exchange names. He plays the same way with all of his male friends, and even with some of the girls! He is continually jumping off, throwing, rolling and running around but most of all he wants to play some sort of contact sport.
We didn’t look into Karate so that he could learn how to be more aggressive, but rather to help him control his natural tendency towards physical contact without making him feel bad about it.
Not everyone in our family was supportive of the Karate idea at first. There were concerns that teaching our son martial arts maneuvers would actually prompt him to want to hurt others, and worse yet, teach him exactly how to do it! The reality was that the desire for physical contact was inherent in our son. He never wanted to hurt anyone, but sometimes he did and he was judged harshly for it. What a terrible feeling that must have been for such a small boy.
He started karate at age four and experienced the immediate benefits of the freedom of physical activity and contact in a safe environment. As time went along, the other benefits of the Karate program became apparent. He began to learn to control his actions, to realize the impact and consequence of his actions, and to consider how others feel.
At Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy, my son is always warmly greeted by his sensei. Mr. Scornavacco is an excellent role model. He not only models the martial art moves, but the expected behaviors as well. He understands the boys and helps them find discipline through repetitive action, and positive reinforcement. He doesn’t make value judgments such as you are good or bad, preferring instead to praise effort.
Our entire family is now supportive of karate. The positive results that we’ve seen are an inspiration. I highly recommend Karate for active young boys and Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy is a superb place to do it.
-Amy Wade Longmont, CO