Martial Arts Master Camp, Summer Camp 2024

Martial Arts Master Camp, Summer Camp for Kids is the week of June 10th-14th, 2024 from 9AM-NOON and registration is now open. We currently have 3 spots remaining. Please contact us at, Call 303-485-5425 or register in person at the school....

You Can Do It – The Power of Confidence

My first baseball coach was a strict yet kind woman named Janice who sported the feathered hair so common in the 1970’s. When I met my team I was the new kid, the only one who hadn’t played prior to that season; I was petrified. Leading up to our first...

Anna Grant Interview

Martial Arts Mom: Anna Grant I have a daughter. And I know how important it is to know self-defense. And to be prepared for the world. And it’s our job as parents to prepare our children. And I have always had a fascination personally with martial arts. And I,...

Free Women’s Safety Class May 18th, 2022

I just set up a quick-and-easy way to register for our Free Women’s Safety & Awareness Class NEXT Wednesday, May. 18th, 2022 at 6:00PM. Just Click This Link Use the calendar, scroll to next Wednesday (the 18th), and hit the BOOK NOW BUTTON. Wednesday May...

Can a Poem Change Your Life?

Can a Poem Change Your Life? Back in the 1980’s, before self-publishing, before blogs, and before emails and message boards, the only way to learn was to be in the presence of a teacher… OR if you were lucky, he would get a book published that you could...